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Contract & Credit Card Capture

Please note: Confirmation and card capture functionalities are optimized for use with LA PAY. If you’re utilizing a different payment processor, manual credit card entry within Limo Anywhere will be required.

We recommend creating 2 different Waiver Configurations, one Default one that just collects the Credit card and billing information and signature, and another more secure form that collects a Photo ID and/or a photo of the credit card itself, for more higher risk transactions.

To Start, we will setup the Default configuration.

  1. Click the Gear icon next to the Default config.
  2. You first want to write or paste your Terms of Service.
  3. Select the items you would like to add or expose. Please know that a lot of these options are only available for our Lead Quote Close system, it will tell you in the description if it is
  4. Under Capture if not using Lead Quote Close, we just want these three options checked.
  1. Now we will setup another CCC Config for a more secure option. So lets click Add New Configuration.
  2. We will set this one up the same as before, but on this one we will want to check one or both of the following options depending on your preferences.
  3. Save that configuration.

Confirmation & Card Capture Settings

On the main Confirmation & Card Capture screen, scroll down to the Completed Actions section.

  1. Enter a notification email address where you will receive a notification anytime a waiver is signed.
  2. Select the Status you want the trip to enter into whenever a customer completes the Contract. (Best practice is to create a new status like Contract Signed.)
  3. Save Confirmation & Card Capture Settings

In Limo Anywhere

We now want to setup the emails that will go out when you want to collect credit card information on at trip. You can do this one of 2 ways, either an email that you can manually send, or you can setup another Status and have the email automatically go out to the customer when this status is chosen, which would make it easier for your staff to handle.

Manual Email Setup

To manually send an email to collect credit card information:

  1. Go to My Office > Custom Forms and create a new template.
  2. Add a subject line, such as “Signature and Payment Details Necessary to Complete Your Reservation”
  3. While you are welcome to build your own template, we created this tool to get a pre-configured HTML Template to send to your customers:
    – Visit this URL to get the HTML Code:
    – You can get the CCC Waiver URL here at the top of the Conf & Card main page in the AddOns section. Select the configuration you want from the Use Configuration section and copy the correct link from there:
    – Change the input type from Normal to HTML.
  4. Paste the HTML code that you copied from the template.
  5. Select the custom form type, such as Billing or Booking contact.
  6. Make this available in ORES.
  7. Save

Repeat the Process for the more Secure Config, being sure to change the URL to the Secure Configuration.

Automated Email Setup

  1. Navigate to My Office > Company Settings > Messaging & Template Settings > Scheduled Messaging.
  2. Fill out the Reservation Status, Trip Type, Service Type, Email Class, and Send To sections based on your desired criteria.
  3. When to Send: Add that new status you created for when you want to automatically send out this email.
  4. Then follow the steps above starting at 2 under the Manual Email Setup section to complete this.

TIP: You can also send an automated SMS message with the link to complete the contract also by choosing SMS from the Configuration Type.

Managing Approvals

When you go into the Confirmation & Card Capture Menu, at the top of the page, you will see approval queue and see completed

Anything in the Approval Queue has not been approved yet and needs to be reviewed. The see completed section will show all of your past waivers.

When in the approval queue, click the gear icon next to the waiver you would like to look at.

NOTE: Until a reservation has been approved, the Credit Card numbers are visible, just in case you are not using LA Pay, as you will need to re-enter those cards manually if you are using Square or Stripe. If you need the CVV number, send us an email at