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Twilio Integration

Currently, the Twilio integration has to be added manually by the staff. If you would like to use your Twilio account to send SMS messages, please follow these step.

You are responsible for registering your Twilio phone number for 10DLC.

Setup Outgoing SMS

Please email your credentials to What we need:

  • Twilio Account SID
  • Twilio Auth Token
  • Twilio Phone Number that you would like to use with your AddOns SMS Integration

Setup Incoming SMS Messages

For us to be able to see incoming messages, which are helpful if you are using Wake-Up calls, Custom Portals, Shuttles or the LA SMS API Integration, you will need to add a webhook to Twilio for incoming messages.

To add a webhook to Twilio for incoming SMS messages:

  • Go to the Phone Numbers section of Twilio, then click Manage > Active Numbers.
  • Choose the phone number you would like to add the webhook to.

  • Scroll down to the Messaging Configuration section.
  • In the A message comes in section, select Webhook.
  • Under URL, enter the following URL, replacing SHORTNAME with your Add-Ons shortname:
  • Set HTTP to HTTP POST.

  • Click Save Configuration.

We will notify you when we have your integration setup on our end.